javascript - Ajax send FormData and retrieve multidimensional array -

alright have form select csv file , when hit sales_importer button java call php function , returned multidimensional array later processing. when run following code alert box multidimensional array of values seems in string form. when alert(result[0][0]); [ in alert box.

i have tried changing datatype in ajax call json fails still 200 response browser. suggestions of might going on/how go fixing it?


$('body').on('click', '#sales_importer', function() {     $.ajax({         type: 'post',         data: new formdata($('form[id="import_form"]')[0]),         cache: false,         contenttype: false,         processdata: false,          url: admin_url+'clients/import',         success: function(result){                 alert(result);                               }     });  }); 


public function import() {     if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {         if (isset($_files['client_file_csv']['name']) && $_files['client_file_csv']['name'] != '') {                         // temp file path             $tmpfilepath = $_files['client_file_csv']['tmp_name'];             // make sure have filepath             if (!empty($tmpfilepath) && $tmpfilepath != '') {                  // setup our new file path                 $newfilepath = temp_folder . $_files['client_file_csv']['name'];                  if (!file_exists(temp_folder)) {                     mkdir(temp_folder, 777);                 }                 if (move_uploaded_file($tmpfilepath, $newfilepath)) {                      $import_result = true;                     $fd            = fopen($newfilepath, 'r');                     $rows          = array();                     while ($row = fgetcsv($fd)) {                         $rows[] = $row;                     }                     $data['total_rows_post'] = count($rows);                     fclose($fd);                                                 echo json_encode($rows);                  }                 unlink($newfilepath);             }         }     } } 

if want able use data in javascript, you're going need apply key. in php:

echo json_encode( array('rows' => $rows) ); 

this allows access rows in jquery ajax success function:

success: function(result){         // rows available result.rows     if( result.rows ){         // result.rows...         console.log( result.rows );         $.each( result.rows, function(i, arr){              console.log( arr );         });     }                      } 

remember result.rows going javascript object, you'll need use jquery's each loop through rows , want do. use console view result.rows, , you'll see mean.


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