android studio - manually download system image for emulator -

good day,i'm student , i'm trying create virtual device in android studio, home internet slow download system image, there internet cafe near me has fast internet , plan download system image there accessing in browser link :

from message in window android studio downloads system image android nougat

to install: - google apis intel x86 atom system image (system-images;android-25;google_apis;x86)  preparing "install google apis intel x86 atom system image". downloading 

however not know how install in android studio. how able install myself on android studio , make emulator?

many thanks.

in windows: first locate android-sdk. default it's in c:\users\\appdata\local\ in it's root folder can find: sdk manager.exe, make folder name "system-images", api 25 image @ system-images\android-25\google_apis\x86_64\files

hope can figure out. comment if have problem.


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