Shopify + Parallax theme Issues when trying to use custom Css/html -

i @ loss. shopify such nuisance when comes trying create unique using basic html/css. anyways.. here problem:

anytime create custom page want design own layout not using shopify's restrictive theme options, there's 35px padding appears @ bottom of page between global wrapper , footer. happens parallax theme, theme client using , wants me use. @ weird point decent @ html/css enough design web layouts, not enough know how alter shopify themes source code fit needs.

i've spent tons of time staring @ page in chrome in inspect mode, hours sifting through themes css stylesheet, etc. there can find there padding or margin @ bottom of page/wrapper or above footer. if can take look, maybe fresh set of eyes see don't. important thing however, changes make in css not apply globally whatever causing 35px issue. pages use parallax themes basic page layouts/templates not have issue. need figure out why custom pages do, , how fix it.

when create page template in theme files, see

<div class="container main content main-wrapper">    <div class="sixteen columns page clearfix">      <h1 class="center">        {{ page.title }}      </h1>      <div class="feature_divider"></div>        <div>        {% include 'page-multi-column', content: page.content %}      </div>    </div>  </div>

the issue arises when delete have , opt create own div wrapper layout. think somehow conflicts auto html document created page.

the reason don't want use parallax themes classes page layout trying figure out how write custom layouts using combination of own css/html , theirs headache.

all want create 2 column vertically/horizontally centered flex grid that's responsive using % , converts single column when window resized, can do, damn white space @ bottom there , can't rid of it.

timed that, took me 10 seconds figure out margin coming from. :)

there margin-top added footer.

overwrite it, so:

.footer { margin-top: 0; }

by way if add * { overflow: hidden; } in inspector easier see section spacing coming from, since margin-top property doesn't show when inspect parent sections.


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