impossible to create emulator with android studio -

i have problem android studio emulator. when try create emulator got following message:

error creatin avd, error occured while creating avd, see idea.log.details

i followed recommendations configuration of emulator. reason error?

my configuration: have macbook air 2014 , os x el capitan (10.11.6) choose x86 or x84_64

thanks in advance.

the android developers website has comprehensive , detailed tutorial on how set emulator. please follow tutorial below suggestions success:

  • make sure have latest version of android studio installed
  • on top menu, select -> check update , install new updates ide recommends.
  • the following command worked linux user encountering same issue. worth shot, doubt reason error: sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

perhaps didn't install android studio , missing plugin avd. 100% sure, follow below tutorials android on how set-up avd.



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