javascript - Multiple ajax requests, how keep user looking at same div when page is scrolling -

the page has 3 inputs , 3 content areas. if user enters value last input, 3 content areas updated , become bigger. 2 of them above last input, causing user watch content 'fly' past screen.

how keep user looking @ same input, , scroll gracefully last content area

fiddle here:

<div id="content1">   content 1 </div> <div id="content2">   content 2 </div>  <a href="#" id="videos-link"> click here </a> <div id="content3">   content 3 </div>  $(document).ready(function() {   $('#videos-link').click(function(event) {     event.preventdefault();      $('#content3').html('loading');      $.ajax({       url: '/echo/js/?js=hello%20world!',       complete: function(response) {         var height = (math.random() * 1000) + 300;         $('#content1').height(height);       }     });      $.ajax({       url: '/echo/js/?js=hello%20world!',       complete: function(response) {         var height = (math.random() * 1000) + 300;         $('#content2').delay(200).height(height);       }     });      $.ajax({       url: '/echo/js/?js=hello%20world!',       complete: function(response) {         var height = (math.random() * 1000) + 300;         $('#content3').html('loading').delay(500).height(height).html('finished loading');         var offsettop = jquery("#content3").offset().top - 10;         $('html,body').animate({           scrolltop: offsettop         }, 1000);        }     });     });  }); 

in fiddle, user keep looking @ 'a' element, , scroll gracefully content3 div when ajax request complete.

when content1 , content2 expand pushed down looks scrolling scrolling down..

there no actual solution this, workaround can scroll 3rd <a> element every time change height of divs before in dom.

step 1: store relative offset of <a> tag

var relative_offset = $('#videos-link').offset().top - $(window).scrolltop();

you want value before ajax response best place define relative_offset in begging of click event.

step 2: change scroll

for both 1st , 2nd ajax responses need change scrolltop of window <a> tag position - relative_offset:

//... $('#content_x').height(height); // offset().op of <a> has changed  $(window).scrolltop($('#videos-link').offset().top - relative_offset); 

final code have not tested should this:

(i might have missed + - somewhere believe current approach of solving issue)

$('#videos-link').click(function(event) {   event.preventdefault();   var relative_offset = $('#videos-link').offset().top - $(window).scrolltop();    $('#content3').html('loading');    $.ajax({     url: '/echo/js/?js=hello%20world!',     complete: function(response) {       var height = (math.random() * 1000) + 300;       $('#content1').height(height);       $(window).scrolltop($('#videos-link').offset().top - relative_offset);     }   });    $.ajax({     url: '/echo/js/?js=hello%20world!',     complete: function(response) {       var height = (math.random() * 1000) + 300;       $('#content2').delay(200).height(height);       $(window).delay(201).scrolltop($('#videos-link').offset().top - relative_offset); // set delay 201 sure runes after     }   });    $.ajax({     url: '/echo/js/?js=hello%20world!',     complete: function(response) {       var height = (math.random() * 1000) + 300;       $('#content3').html('loading').delay(500).height(height).html('finished loading');       var offsettop = jquery("#content3").offset().top - 10;       $('html,body').animate({         scrolltop: offsettop       }, 1000);      }   });   }); 

related question: stop automatic scrolling on page content change


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