reactjs - value not being updated after saga call react-redux -

i using react-redux along redux-saga. have problem have modal updates multiple value , click on save saga calls multiple times , reflects updated value on page. on clicking of save not updating value on page.i need make reload page i.e refresh ideally dom should re render it,shouldn't it? here saga

import { call, put } 'redux-saga/effects'; import { update } '../services/api'; import * types '../constants/actiontypes';  export default function* updatesaga({ value }) {     try {          const updatedata = yield =>{               return (call(update,data))}     )          yield [             put({ type: types.updates, updatedata: updatedata })          ]     } catch (error) {         console.log("porfilingerror",error);         yield put({             type: 'fetch_update_error',             error         });     } } 

here's reducer

case types.updates:        for(var = 0;i<highestdata.channel_mix.length;i++){            for(var j= 0;j<action.updatedata.length;j++){                if(highestdata.mix[i].pk === action.updatedata[j].pk){                    highestdata.mix[i].volume = action.updatedata[j].volume;                    break;                }            }        }          dashboard_data[0].mix = highestdata.mix;          return {...state,             highestprofiledata:highestdata,             program_data: dashboard_data          } 

edit 1:

here component code

console.log("rendering....") return (       <div id="otherprogram">         <div classname="panel panel-default">           <div classname="panel-heading panel-head">             <h3 classname="panel-title">other details</h3>             <button               onclick={() =>                 this.setstate({                   open: !                 })}             >               <glyphicon                 glyph={                              ? 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus'                     : 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus'                 }               />             </button>           </div>            <collapse in={}>             <well>               <div classname="row other_pgm_data">                 <div classname="col-md-4">                   <h5> mix</h5>                   <div classname="other_data_mix">                     <table classname="table table-bordered">                       <thead>                         <th />                         <th>                           {                             .tostring()                             .substr(0, 4)}{' '}                           mix                         </th>                         <th> vol. growth </th>                         <th> volume </th>                       </thead>                        <tbody>                         { =>                           <tr>                             <td>                               {}                             </td>                             <td>                               {' '}{math.round(data.volume * 100)}%{' '}                             </td>                             <td> {data.volume_growth}%</td>                            </tr>                         )}                       </tbody>                     </table>                   </div> 

it looks mutating highestdata instead of creating new one

not sure structure have atleast should rewritten

for(var = 0;i<highestdata.channel_mix.length;i++){        for(var j= 0;j<action.updatedata.length;j++){            if(highestdata.mix[i].pk === action.updatedata[j].pk){                highestdata.mix[i].volume = action.updatedata[j].volume;                break;            }        }    } 

to this

highestdata = {   ...highestdata ,   mix: => {      const update = action.updatedata.find(({pk}) => === pk)      if(update)        return {, volume: update.volume}      return channel   }) } 


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