image - How to create React component that can render Img or Video depending on API data it recieves -

i learning , practicing react.

i trying achieve react web app allows display , scroll through nasa's picture of day based on date choose. here's api:

the project simple but. url api returns, leads img , youtube video. example:


i have managed display both cases using iframe. know not ideal imgs because cannot format css , looks bad scroll bars, sizing etc..but won't display video..

this react component looks (using bootstrap)


import react, { component } 'react';  export default class detail extends component {   render() {     return (       <div classname="video-detail col-md-12">         <div classname="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">             <iframe classname="embed-responsive-item" src={this.props.url}>             </iframe>             </div>         </div>     );   } } 

i images display responsively, centered , original aspect ratio still have videos display are.

i have tried putting additional <img> underneath <iframe> renders image twice. there way render <img> or <iframe> conditionally?

i wondering strategy should try next? ideas?


you should use conditional rendering

const isimage = this.props.url.split().pop() === 'jpg'; return (    {      isimage ? <img src={this.props.url} />      : <iframe classname="embed-responsive-item" src={this.props.url}>         </iframe>     } ) 


const isimage = this.props.url.split().pop() === 'jpg'; return (    {      isimage && <img src={this.props.url} />    }    {       !isimage && <iframe classname="embed-responsive-item" src={this.props.url}>         </iframe>     } ) 


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