c# - How to run the rule analysis to my project. Sonarqube 6.5, MSBuild 3.0.2? -

-i have msbuild in path: d:\sonarqube\bin\msbuild.sonarqube.runner.exe project want analyze in path:

d:\syacsoftware\dg token-->syactoken2017:b7af44b5a98ce10e53d916b71f22a668ff93ece4 key:syac-dg 

-when execute commands, can't execute analysis following message:

the file name, directory name or syntax of volume label not correct.

this appears in sonar.login tag , in sonar.host -i using following commands in cmd, not results:

error in commands

the analysis worked follows: adding location of msbuild environment path, commands executed:

     d: \ sonarqube \ bin \ sonarqube.scanner.msbuild.exe begin / k: "syac-dg" /n:"dg.net-wpf "/v:"2017.08.11-1.0" / d: "sonar. host.url = http: // localhost: 9000 "/d:"sonar.login=b7af44b5a98ce10e53d916b71f22a668ff93ece4"

     msbuild.exe / t: rebuild

     d: \ syacsoftware \ dg> sonarqube.scanner.msbuild.exe end /d:"sonar.login=b7af44b5a98ce10e53d916b71f22a668ff93ece4 "


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