linux - SSH remote machine and execute command -

i sshing remote machine , executing command $path on remote machine set $path of user in original machine , not of sshed machine. if ssh remote machine , execute echo $path, set correctly logged in user in new machine

root@host1> ssh admin@remotemachine echo $path 

this prints path of user, in case root on host1 , not admin on remotemachine

root@host1> ssh admin@remotemachine  admin@remotemachine's password: **** echo $path 

above works fine

basically it's not changing environment new user on remote machine. somehow though logged in remote machine, preserves environment of root host1. if ls -al /, shows directories remote machine, means logged in remote machine

let's use set -x debug run:

$ set -x $ ssh localhost echo $path + ssh localhost echo /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games 

the line + tells command actually run is:

ssh localhost echo /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games 

unsurprisingly, value back, regardless of remote path is.

we can single quote command ensure send echo $path instead of echo /usr/local/bin:... server:

$ ssh localhost 'echo $path' + ssh localhost 'echo $path' 

now set -x shows ssh being run unexpanded command instead of expanded command, , remote path in return.


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