Save firefox developer tools javascript command history -

i use developer tools console run javascript commands. showing history of 40-50 executed commands accessible using up arrow key.

in history showing repeated commands multiple times , earlier commands executed 4-5 days ago have vanished.

any idea how recover/save history or expand history save unlimited commands (like in normal console)?

firefox developer tools

there no way (as of firefox 55.0.1) specify unlimited number of history items keep. however, can specify larger number, 2147483647. so, go about:config. then, change preference devtools.webconsole.inputhistorycount integer value desire. default 50.

you can verify there's no way specify unlimited size source code.

any idea how recover/save history

there no way recover older, forgotten history (see source code linked above). forgotten.

the way have found save such code (beyond stored in history) copy , paste other location. make legacy add-on made saving history easier, not webextension. in brief search, did not find existing add-on so.

you can find more general information at:


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