c# - join excel and access using Linq query -

in access table & excel join have status column in access table , want mismatched query account number not equal , status =yes. have tried using , operator not working. xl means excel, ac means access.

 var missing = xl.where(x => !ac.any(a => a.accountno == x.accountno)); 

the above query runs want status =="yes" also

string xlconnstr = @"provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=" + textselect.text + ";" + "extended properties='excel 8.0;hdr=yes;'";         var xlconn = new oledbconnection(xlconnstr);         var da = new oledbdataadapter("select * [mer_svc$]", xlconn);         var xldt = new datatable();         da.fill(xldt);         datagridview1.datasource = xldt;         list<gis> xl = xldt.asenumerable().select(g => new gis()         {             accountno = g.field<string>("account no"),             meterno = g.field<string>("meter no#"),             mobile = g.field<string>("mobile "),             name = g.field<string>(" name"),             geocode = g.field<string>("geo code"),             welaiyh = g.field<string>("welaiyh"),             area = g.field<string>("area"),             region = g.field<string>("region"),                        }).tolist();         string acconnstr = @"provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source = f:\raec\raecoexcel\customer\customer.mdb;";         var acconn = new oledbconnection(acconnstr);         da = new oledbdataadapter("select * gis", acconn);         var acdt = new datatable();         da.fill(acdt);         list<gis1> ac = acdt.asenumerable().select(g => new gis1()         {             accountno = g.field<string>("accountno"),             stat=g.field<string>("status")                        }).tolist();                     var missing = xl.where(x => !ac.any(a => a.accountno == x.accountno && a.stat == "yes"));             datatable dt = xldt.clone();         int count = 0;              foreach (var m in missing)         {             var n = dt.newrow();             n["account no"] = m.accountno;             n["meter no#"] = m.meterno;             n["mobile "] = m.mobile;             n[" name"] = m.name;             n["geo code"] = m.geocode;             n["welaiyh"] = m.welaiyh;             n["area"] = m.area;             n["region"] = m.region;                       dt.rows.add(n);             count++;         }         datagridview1.datasource = dt;         messagebox.show(count.tostring());     } 

you can try use join clause selecting non-missing values want exclude.

var nonmissing = xl.join(ac, exc => exc.accountno,   // select primary key (the first part of "on" clause in sql "join" statement)                           acs => acs.accountno,   // select foreign key (the second part of "on" clause)                           (exc, acs) => new { exc = exc, acs = acs }).where(x=>x.acs.status =="yes"); 

with adding select clause end of query, can account numbers want exclude. after that, need selecting account numbers not contained in list of non-missing account numbers.


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