Pointing nginx container to static files in docker -

i'm new docker , nginx , might stupid question how can point nginx box @ files in rails public? basically, have nginx box, , application box. know can put files nginx box can read them.

version: "3"  services:   api:     build: "./api"     env_file:       - .env-dev     ports:       - "3000:3000"     depends_on:       - db     volumes:       - .:/app/api     command: rails server -b ""   nginx:     build: ./nginx     env_file: .env-dev     volumes:       - .:/app/nginx     depends_on:       - api     links:       - api     ports:       - "80:80"     ... 

api dockerfile:

from ruby:2.4.1-slim   run apt-get update && apt-get install -qq -y \   build-essential \   libmysqlclient-dev \   nodejs \   --fix-missing \   --no-install-recommends  env install_path /api  run mkdir -p $install_path  workdir $install_path  copy gemfile $install_path  run bundle install  copy . .  expose 3000 

nginx dockerfile:

from nginx  env install_path /nginx  run mkdir -p $install_path  copy nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf  # copy ?   expose 80 

nginx config (this correctly being copied over)

daemon off;  worker_processes: 1;  events { worker_connections: 1024; }  http {   sendfile on;      gzip              on;     gzip_http_version 1.0;     gzip_proxied      any;     gzip_min_length   500;     gzip_disable      "msie [1-6]\.";     gzip_types        text/plain text/xml text/css                       text/comma-separated-values                       text/javascript                       application/x-javascript                       application/atom+xml;   # rails api   upstream api {     server http://api/;   }     # configuration server     server {          # running port         listen 80;          # proxying connections connections         location /api {             proxy_pass         http://api;             proxy_redirect     off;             proxy_set_header   host $host;             proxy_set_header   x-real-ip $remote_addr;             proxy_set_header   x-forwarded-for $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;         }          error_page 500 502 503 504 /public/50x.html         error_page 404 /public/404.html          location = /50x.html {             root /api/public;         }          location = /404.html {             root /api/public         }     } } 

now, when go localhost:80 show generic nginx folder. however, i'm unsure how link public dir of rails api/public/ nginx container.

can copy path/to/rails/public path/nginx. nginx expecting find files?


i believe should putting them in /var/www/app_name, correct?

the default location static content on nginx /etc/nginx/html, put in var/www/app_name long remember add

root /var/www/app_name 

in corresponding location block static content.


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