python - Script only runs till certain point in for loop, then stops with no errors:using -

i have dataframe called urlclean in form of:

>>> urlclean matches searching                           url list url status 14       2   green index      works 

as derived preliminary dataframe index "14" @ row 1. have written secondary code open url in "url list" , search possible repetitions of phrase under "searching for" (in case, green index) in text of selected url follows:

for cindex, row in urlclean.iterrows():     print("starting clea nup")     sentence=[]     sentence=urlopen(urlclean.loc[cindex,'url list']).read()     print("opening urls")      soup=[]     soup=beautifulsoup(sentence)     print("getsoup")     rsentence=[]     rsentence=(soup.get_text())      print("gettect")     indices = (i i,word in enumerate(rsentence) if word==     (urlclean.loc[cindex,'searching for']))     print("getting indices")     neighbors = []      ind in indices:         neighbors.append(rsentence[ind-2:ind]+rsentence[ind:ind+2])         print("opening rsetence",(rsentence[ind-         2:ind]+rsentence[ind:ind+2]))         resulting=[]         print("got neighbors", neighbors)         n=len(neighbors)          indexx in range(0,n):             resulting_temp=[]             resulting_temp=[(' '.join(map(str,neighbors[indexx])))]             print("resulting temp",resulting_temp)             urlclean.loc[cindex,'all phrases']=resulting_temp             resulting.append(resulting_temp)             print("got results", resulting)     

i included print() follow upto point code runs, quite literally ouputs formerly derived dataframes, , exists above code after writing:

starting cleanup opening urls getsoup gettect getting indices >>>  

it never starts loop ranges between ind , indices, missing something? new python apologies if elementary problem.


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