installation - How to install and set up Neat in Gulp correctly? -

bourbon , normalize working, neat don't. tried different ways , received message 'no mixine named..', not correctly established, although installed of npm , bower

var neat = require('node-neat').includepaths;  .pipe(sass({       includepaths: [bourbon, normalize, neat],       outputstyle: 'compressed'}).on('error', sass.logerror)) 

got message:

error: no mixin named span-columns        backtrace:         src/style/main.sass:6         on line 6 of src/style/main.sass >>   @include span-columns(4);    -----------^ 

when write in sass file

+outer-container or +span-columns() 

but saw how used..

it seems mixing versions of neat. check version many of mixins have changed or renamed. example, main column mixin in 1.x span-columns in 2.x grid-column.

you can specify version want use in package.json file.

if continue have issues check out working gulp project using bourbon , neat


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