php - Is there a possibility that i can access excel's file details? -

$objphpexcel->getproperties()->setcreator("sample")                              ->setlastmodifiedby("sample")                              ->settitle("office 2007 xlsx test document")                              ->setsubject("office 2007 xlsx test document")                              ->setdescription("test document office 2007 xlsx, generated using php classes.")                              ->setkeywords("office 2007 openxml php")                              ->setcategory("test result file"); 

i have put password on cell, user cannot modify of cell value, when user copy data , paste data new excel file, cannot verify authenticity of cell value anymore. want compare 2 excel files if still program generated file or created user?

you can e.g. create 1 sheet , sign him hidden attribute. when user copy , paste data, doesn't copy sheet, because doesn't know him. try explore sheetstate_hidden or sheetstate_veryhidden this

$excel->getsheetbyname('hidden sheet')->setsheetstate(phpexcel_worksheet::sheetstate_hidden); 

the second approach can test if specific cell has still set password, known you.


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