python - How to stop PyCharm from closing networked folders -

i've been testing out pycharm ran crazy little feature , or bug , cannot figure out how solve it.

i've created project on network, , created project locally , added network folder project both resulting in same bizarre behavior.

i can open files, navigate project tree , fine inside of pycharm. once switch focus window , come pycharm, automatically close entire project tree root , close files have had open.

this making pycharm unusable. i've been searching of morning find out how stop haven't come across other similar problems.

to test, made sample python directory on network, filled few folders simulate modules , added files them all. created pycharm project in folder. exhibit behavior , can't figure out how stop closing everything. what's going on?

this windows community pycharm 2017.2.1 version. picture open , closed , tree view, since closes when regains focus. i'm not sure how i'd best take picture of that.


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