html - How to align groups of buttons on single row with Flex only? -

i tried this:

<html> <head> <title>left, mid, right action buttons</title> <style> .parent {   width: 600px;   background-color: yellow; } .itemleft {   display: flex;   justify-content: flex-start; } .itemcenter {   display: flex;   justify-content: center; } .itemright {   display: flex;   justify-content: flex-end; } .bs {   background-color: green;   color: white;   width: 70px; } </style> </head> <body>   <div class="parent">     <span class="itemleft">       <button class="bs">edit</button>       <button class="bs">delete</button>     </span>     <span class="itemcenter">       <button class="bs">ok</button>       <button class="bs">cancel</button>     </span>     <span class="itemright">       <button class="bs">help</button>     </span>   </div> </body> </html> 

result running in firefox or chrome:

  • edit , delete buttons left-justified on row
  • ok , cancel buttons centered on next 2nd row
  • help button right-justified on next 3rd row

i expected buttons on same first row first since used span. got same result when replacing spans divs.

i tried changing 'display: flex;' 'display inline-flex;'. buttons appeared on 1 row, justification did not work. buttons appeared 1 after other no spaces justification.

have made mistake in html above? possible justify button groups flex only? if yes, how?

when 1 add display: flex each item*, content comes flex items, not item* themselves.

simply add display: flex; justify-content: space-between parent instead, , remove flex properties item*

.parent {    display: flex;    justify-content: space-between;    width: 600px;    background-color: yellow;  }  .bs {    background-color: green;    color: white;    width: 70px;  }
<div class="parent">      <span class="itemleft">        <button class="bs">edit</button>        <button class="bs">delete</button>      </span>      <span class="itemcenter">        <button class="bs">ok</button>        <button class="bs">cancel</button>      </span>      <span class="itemright">        <button class="bs">help</button>      </span>    </div>

note, add display: flex span's, become flex container , stop being normal span's. using inline-flex end on same row, though stack side-by-side, sized content.

to achieve want inline-flex, can set each item* 33%, stretch/share full width of parent, though above solution should use.

update based on comment

to center ok/cancel in middle of parent, 1 can make each item* take 33.333% of parents width setting flex property flex: 1 1 0, , center/right align middle , right item*'s content.

the first 1 in flex: 1 1 0 tell them flex-grow 1 part each (equally share), , last 0 tell them exclude content before calculate flex-grow size.

.parent {    display: flex;    width: 600px;    background-color: yellow;  }  .bs {    background-color: green;    color: white;    width: 70px;  }  .parent > span {    flex: 1 1 0;  }  .parent .itemcenter {    text-align: center;  }  .parent .itemright {    text-align: right;  }
<div class="parent">      <span class="itemleft">        <button class="bs">edit</button>        <button class="bs">delete</button>      </span>      <span class="itemcenter">        <button class="bs">ok</button>        <button class="bs">cancel</button>      </span>      <span class="itemright">        <button class="bs">help</button>      </span>    </div>

another option set flex-basis (last value in flex: 1 1 0) 100% , let them flex-shrink equally (the middle value in flex: 1 1 0), flex: 0 1 100%


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