posthtml - get POST html code (in JAVA Eclipse) -

i searching way post html code of webpage rendered. in firefox there addon called web developper can return not "normal" sourcecode rendered sourcecode.


i need html sourcecode of website includes content adress (in case "c/o nora stähelin" , "kraftstr. 1"). code looks this:

import org.openqa.selenium.webdriver; import;  public class automation {         public static void main(string[] args) {         string exepath = "src\\seleniumautomation\\resources\\chromedriver.exe";         system.setproperty("", exepath);          webdriver driver = new chromedriver();         string url = "";         driver.get(url);          // pre sourcecode         string pagesource = driver.getpagesource();         system.out.println(pagesource);          // post sourcecode (containing content)         // todo           // close window         driver.quit();           } } 

edit: generated html refers html after javascript changes dom.


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