Tizen TAU is undefined -

i working on tizen wearable app (targeting version 2.3.2) using tau framework. (in fact, started out "basic tau application" template.)

every time calling


i receive typeerror:

typeerror: 'undefined' not function (evaluating 'tau.openpopup('process-popup')') 

i have made sure, corresponding tau file embedded properly:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/tau/wearable/js/tau.min.js"></script> <script src="app.js"></script> 

the file present in "lib" directory well.

more interestingly, method present, when loading app in generic browser (i.e. chrome) , calling console.

did experience issue himself far yet , managed solve it?

what tried far:

  • recreating project ground up.
  • moving different version of tau lib folder.

an 'import' or 'require' perhaps since trying use object app.js maybe.


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