- Parse PHP saving an array of pointers -

i may missing simple thought ask here since unable find information on subject of saving array of pointers parse php sdk.

i have list of object id's groups class, , want save object id's array of pointers organization class.

  try {     $query = new parsequery("organization");     $query->equalto('objectid', $objectid);     $results = $query->first($usemasterkey = true);      $groups = parseobject::create('organization', $data, true);     $groups->set("test1" , $groups);     $groups->save($usemasterkey = true);      $results->setarray("groups", $data);     //$results->setarray("test1", array('__type' => 'pointer', 'classname' => 'group', 'objectid' => $data[0]));     //$results->setassociativearray("test1", array($groups[0]));     $results->save($usemasterkey = true);   } catch (\exception $e){      print("an error has occurred code: " . $e->getmessage());   }   

$data array of object group object id's

any appreciated.

ok, here how ended doing if else runs situation.

looking on ios app have creates similar output in database functionality

comment(withoutdatawithobjectid: apossibleobjectidstring)

helps create array of looks pointers.

[ { "__type": "pointer", "classname": "group", "objectid": "5jbtj2k7hx" }, { "__type": "pointer", "classname": "group", "objectid": "oo69vxrqg0" } ]

this pasted database. allows client pull things in pointer somehow..

honestly i'm not sure best way ended using.

  // hack add pointer type data array type column.   // value objectid groups collection.   foreach($data $value) {     $groups[] = array(       "__type" => "pointer",       "classname" => "group",       "objectid" => $value     );    }    try {     $query = new parsequery("organization");     $query->equalto('objectid', $objectid);     $results = $query->first($usemasterkey = true);     $results->setarray("grouppointer", $groups);  // actual data generated ..        $results->setarray("groups", $data);     $results->save($usemasterkey = true);   } catch (\exception $e){      print("an error has occurred code: " . $e->getmessage());   }   


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