javascript - Why does not this work with id when working with class -

this question has answer here:

if make remove button id attribute isnt working. when make class attribute working. why not working id?

$(function() {    $("#btn").on("click", function() {      var val = $("#yzbr").val();      if (val !== '') {        var elem = $("<li></li>").text(val);        $(elem).append("<button id='rem'>remove</button>");        $("#ekl").append(elem);        $("input").val("");        $("#rem").on("click", function() {          $(this).parent().remove();        })      }    })  })
<script src=""></script>  <h1>list</h1>  <input type="text" id="yzbr">  <button id="btn">add</button>  <ol id="ekl"></ol>

you cannot have multiple id on same page. use classes or...
...don't use @ all!
assign click behavior directly created button.

jquery(function( $ ) {      // use named functions,    // you'll know without reading code    function additemtolist () {          var val = $.trim( $("#name").val() );   // trim whitespaces!!      if (val === '') return;                 // nothing if no value      $("#name").val("");                     // reset input field        $("<li/>", { // create li        text: val,        appendto: "#list",       // appendto #list sonds poetry        append: $("<button/>", { // append button          text: "remove",          on: {            click: function() {              $(this).closest("li").remove();            }          }        })      });          }        $("#add").on("click", additemtolist); // :)        // other dom ready code here    });
<input type="text" id="name">  <button id="add">add</button>  <ol id="list"></ol>      <script src=""></script>


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