continuous integration - VSTS build failed with Git fetch failed with exit code: 128 -

i setup build agent , build process on vsts. configuration ok build failed @ getting source step. here have tried:

  • check permission: since profile owner of project not specify permission in roles
  • i tried change pat's scope scope have no luck.
  • upgrade latest version know why still shows

    2017-08-15t03:51:34.4449577z ##[command]git version 2017-08-15t03:51:34.5159426z git version 2017-08-15t03:51:34.5239707z ##[command]git init "c:\agent\_work\1\s" 2017-08-15t03:51:34.5889586z initialized empty git repository in c:/agent/_work/1/s/.git/ 2017-08-15t03:51:34.5929735z ##[command]git remote add origin 2017-08-15t03:51:34.6430065z ##[command]git config 0 2017-08-15t03:51:34.6915534z ##[command]git config --get-all http. 2017-08-15t03:51:34.7356779z ##[command]git config --get-all http.proxy 2017-08-15t03:51:34.7846598z ##[command]git -c http.extraheader="authorization: bearer ********" fetch --tags --prune 

    --progress --no-recurse-submodules origin 2017-08-15t03:51:34.8901839z ##[error]git fetch failed exit code: 128 2017-08-15t03:51:34.8981753z ##[section]finishing: sources

please me figured out issue. thank you!


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