java - How to parse this nested JSON array and JSON object View_ID in android -

how "view_id":"v1" , view array.
what create not generating proper response. thing doing wrong?

here response get:


what created response:

jsonobject mainobj = new jsonobject(response); if(mainobj != null){     jsonarray list = mainobj.getjsonarray("view");     if(list != null){         for(int j = 0; j < list.length();j++){             jsonobject innerelem = list.getjsonobject(j);             if(innerelem != null){                 string button_id = innerelem.getstring("button_id");                 toast.maketext(qrcode.this, button_id, toast.length_short).show();             }         }     } } 

    try bellow.   jsonobject mainobj = new jsonobject(response); if(mainobj != null){     string viewid = mainobj.getstring("view_id");  // here view_id.      jsonarray list = mainobj.getjsonarray("view");  // here view array.      if(list != null){ for(int j = 0; j < list.length();j++){ jsonobject innerelem = list.getjsonobject(j); if(innerelem != null){ string button_id = innerelem.getstring("button_id"); toast.maketext(qrcode.this, button_id, toast.length_short).show(); } } } } 


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