Downloading Blob via http using AngularJS and Angular-FileSaver.js -

this question exact duplicate of:

i'm having really hard time solving problem. i've tried many different solutions i'm not sure need fix now. i'm attempting retrieve blob via http , download file user using filesaver.js reason, every time attempt open image "damaged, corrupted, or large" message. i've attempted playing 'responsetype' (changing 'blob'), adding 'accept' header. nothing seems work me!!

can maybe point me in right direction?


download: function(blobid, token) {   var req = {     method: 'get',     cache: false,     url: 'api/blob/downloadblob/' + blobid,     headers: {      'responsetype': 'arraybuffer',      'authorization': token     }   };    return $http(req)     .then(function (response) {       return response;     }, function(response) {       // went wrong       return $q.reject(;   }); } 


$scope.downloadfile = function () {$scope.blobid, $scope.token).then(function (response) {     var blob = new blob([response], { type: 'image/png' });     filesaver.saveas(blob, 'download.png');   }); }; 

first 2 problems can see are...

  1. the responsetype config property should not in headers object
  2. you passing response object blob constructor want pass

i'd go with

return $http.get('api/blob/downloadblob/' + blobid, {   responsetype: 'blob',   headers: {    authorization: token   },   transformresponse: function(data) {     return data // there's no need attempt transformations   } }).then(function(response) {   return // provider consumers need blob data }) 

and in consumer...$scope.blobid, $scope.token).then(function(blob) {   filesaver.saveas(blob, 'download.png') }) 


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