Neo4J Rebuild C# instance from node with childs -

i'm trying find best solution "deserialize" results neo4j have nodes defines complex structure childs (no circles)

structure->structureitem->structure     | structureitem->structure       | structure             

first load path node it's childs

var result = _client.cypher                     .match("(structure:structure{id:123})")                     .optionalmatch($"p=(structure)-[:structureitem|structure*]->(structurechild)")                     .return<ienumerable<string>>("nodes(p)")                     .results;   

and each node in path i'm adding child's instance if it's not exists

var structuredict = new dictionary<string, structure>();             var structureitemsdict = new dictionary<string, structureitem>();             structure result = null;             foreach (var nodes in result)             {                 structure existsstructure = null;                 structureitem existsstructureitem = null;                  foreach (var node in nodes)                 {                     if (node.contains("\"structure\"\r\n"))                     {                         var structure = node.convertfromjson<structurequeryresult>();                         if (!structuredict.trygetvalue(, out existsstructure))                         {                             structuredict[] = existsstructure =;                             if (result == null)                             {                                                                     result = existsstructure;                             }                         }                              if (existsstructureitem != null)                         {                             existsstructureitem.datatype = existsstructure;                         }                     }                     else                     {                         var structureitem = node.convertfromjson<structureitemqueryresult>();                         if (!structureitemsdict.trygetvalue(, out existsstructureitem))                         {                             structureitemsdict[] = existsstructureitem =;                         }                          if (existsstructure == null)                         {                             continue;                         }                          if (!existsstructure.structureitems.contains(existsstructureitem))                         {                             existsstructure.structureitems.add(existsstructureitem);                         }                     }                 }              }              return result; }  public class structurequeryresult         {             public structure data { get; set; }         }          public class structureitemqueryresult         {             public structureitem data { get; set; }         } 

the idea start first node each path , can encounter node been parsed

is there way simplify query or @ least not paths contained in path?

or there solution in neo4j client reconstruct complex structures?


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