php - Codeigniter Identify Every 3rd user Registration referral -

i'm developing mlm website using codeigniter framework.

and working on registration now. can register successful referral user

the problem every 3 registration using referral username/id need run query because in 1st , 2nd referral earned 200. , in 3rd user refer earn 100.

how can in codeigniter? done this? please help

let me throw light on lets make post every registration, post goes class names registration , register method, , referral id runs session (refid). also, have registration model, should do:

class registration extends ci_controller{     function __construct(){         parent::__construct();         $this->load->model('registration_model');     }      //ensue check existence of refid session before processing     function register(){          if($_post){             //first run form validation             //you should have auto loaded form_validation library             //and created rules function carries form rules             $rules = $this->rules();             $this->form_validation->set_rules($rules);              if($this->form_validation->run() == false){                 //load view here             }else{                 //first, post data                 //then number of registration done user using refid                 //if registration greater 2, set earnings 100                 //set earnings 200                 //then proceed insert registration , else                    //get post data, assumed post data                 $name = $this->input->post('name');                 $email = $this->input->post('email');                  //get number of registrations                 $numofregs = $this->registration_model->getregbyrefid();                  //set earnings number of registrations                 $earning = $numofregs < 3 ? 200 : 100;                 //please note $numofregs = 4, $earnings 100, not specified in question                  //at point, have set earnings, can proceed whatever wish do, perhaps insert records                  //please note code block explains can after setting earnings                 $insert = array(                     "name" => $name,                     "email" => $email,                     "earning" => $earning                 );                 $this->registration_model->insert($array);                 // else             }         }else{             //load view here         }     } } 

now how registration model this

class registration_model extends ci_model{      function __construct(){         parent::__construct();     }      function getregbyrefid(){         $refid = $this->session->refid;         return $this->db->get_where('mydb', array("refid" => $refid))->num_rows();     }   } 

i hope explains wants, , helps you. if find difficulty, kindly comment , lets sort out.


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