php - Unable to return 'attribute' data in Woocomerce -

pa_i trying dog products' attribute data in order compare attribute between items in cart. however, cannot access data. following code returns following on var_dump command:

c:\wamp\www\wizstaginglocal\wp-content\plugins\code-snippets\php\snippet-ops.php(426) : eval()'d code:17:boolean false

in other words nothing


add_action('woocommerce_before_cart', 'wiz_scale_woocommerce_before_cart');  function wiz_scale_woocommerce_before_cart() {     foreach(wc() -> cart -> get_cart() $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {         // here wc_product object         $product = $cart_item['data'];         echo "my product id {$cart_item['product_id']} \n";          $attributes = $product -> get_attributes();         foreach($attributes $taxonomy => $value) {             // wp_term object             $term_obj = get_term_by('pa_1_scale', $value, $taxonomy);             $term_name = $term_obj -> name;          }         echo '<pre>';         var_dump($term_obj);         echo '</pre>';     } } 

at var_dump $attributes shows, relevant slug:

array (size=3).... 'pa_1_scale' => object(wc_product_attribute)[1383] protected 'data' => array (size=6) 'id' => int 1 'name' => string 'pa_1_scale' (length=10) 'options' => array (size=1) ... 'position' => int 2 'visible' => boolean true 'variation' => boolean false

i became aware of this post: reason?

the attribute data in serialized, cannot find way extract it. work around successful write sql query wp database.

function mycustomfunc_retrieve_attribute_for product() { foreach(wc() -> cart -> get_cart() $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {     $product = $cart_item['product_id'];    // perform wpdb search global $wpdb; $myatt = $wpdb->get_var(     $wpdb->prepare(     "select distinct 'term name'         wiz_posts p     inner join     wiz_term_relationships tr on = tr.object_id     inner join     wiz_term_taxonomy tt on tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id     inner join     wiz_terms t on t.term_id = tt.term_id         p.post_type = 'product'     , = %d     ,     tt.taxonomy = 'myslugname'     ",     $product     )     );   echo "my product id {$product} , attribute {$myatt} \n";  } 


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