python - Pandas: Convert List Comprehension to Use Apply -

i have pandas dataframe beautiful_soup column (it contains beautifulsoup object). want add column several html tags (e.g. number of img tags).

for instance, old code using list comprehension:

df['text_img_count'] = [len(x.find_all('img')) x in df['beautiful_soup']] 

but using apply should faster, wanted convert code.

i thinking of writing small function pass apply, like:

def get_imgs_count(): 

and i'd call this:

df['text_img_count'] = df['beautiful_soup'].apply(get_imgs_count) 

since i'm going doing bunch of html tags, don't want write ton of super similar functions. prefer writing like:

def get_tag_count(df, tag) 

and call this:

get_tag_count(df, 'img') 

but don't think can pass function arguments apply...

how might go converting list comprehension using apply?


i use functools' partial application

from functools import partial def get_tag_count(bs, tag):     return [len(x.find_all(tag)) x in bs]  get_image_count = partial(get_tag_count, tag = 'img')  df['text_img_count'] = df['beautiful_soup'].apply(get_image_count) 


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