IOS Swift - Get values from different nodes in Firebase database -

i'd list of participants of event, in events node, id# of employee listed. achieve name associated id # employee node. here's structure of dbase.

events:      uuid:         name: summer festival 2017         site: vegas         participants:            employeeid1: true            employeeid2: true   employee:     employeeid1:        name: gary        department: video production 

and here's code

@ibaction func downloadbuttonaction(_ sender: uibutton) {        ref.child("events").child(eventkeylabel.text!).child("participants").observesingleevent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in              // dictionary snapshot             if let participantsdict = snapshot.value as? [string : anyobject] {                   each in participantsdict {                      let employeeidnum = each.key                     let employeename = self.getname(foruid: employeeidnum)                      self.employeeid.append(employeeidnum)                             }                print(self.employeeid)               print(              }          }) // end observesingleevent      }       func getname(foruid userid: string) -> string{          var empname = ""          ref.child("employee").child(userid).observe(dataeventtype.value, with: { (snapshot) in             if let value = snapshot.value as? nsdictionary {                  empname = (value["name"] as? string)!             }         })         return empname     } 


["0001", "0002", "0003", "0004"] ["", "", "", ""] 

full code:

@ibaction func downloadbuttonaction(_ sender: uibutton) {

ref.child("events").child(eventkeylabel.text!).child("participants").observesingleevent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in      // dictionary snapshot     if let participantsdict = snapshot.value as? [string : anyobject] {           each in participantsdict {              let employeeidnum = each.key             self.getname(foruid: employeeidnum) { empname in                        print(empname)             }              self.employeeid.append(employeeidnum)           }          print(self.employeeid)         print(      }  }) // end observesingleevent 


func getname(foruid userid: string, callback: @escaping (string)->void){

ref.child("employee").child(userid).observe(dataeventtype.value, with: { (snapshot) in     if let value = snapshot.value as? nsdictionary {         print(value)         if let empname = value["name"] as? string{             callback(empname)         }     } }) 


it doesn't return employee names. please help. thank you!

problem since fetching firebase asynchronous call, have use callback name function calling getname method, can this:

@ibaction func downloadbuttonaction(_ sender: uibutton) {        ref.child("events").child(eventkeylabel.text!).child("participants").observesingleevent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in              // dictionary snapshot             if let participantsdict = snapshot.value as? [string : anyobject] {                   each in participantsdict {                      let employeeidnum = each.key                     self.getname(foruid: employeeidnum)                      self.employeeid.append(employeeidnum)                   }                print(self.employeeid)               print(              }          }) // end observesingleevent      }       func getname(foruid userid: string) {            ref.child("employee").child(userid).observe(dataeventtype.value, with: { (snapshot) in             if let value = snapshot.value as? nsdictionary {                 print(value) //add here                 if let empname = value["name"] as? string{                                }             }         })       } 


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