xslt - How to extract part of an attribute value from xml in C# -

i need extract part between ':' , '/' in attribute "pointname". following sample xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <trend xmlns="data">    <tblpoint pointname="abc:xyz123/aaa.ddd-111.mmm.mv-3.pv" uom="0">         <tblvalue utcdatetime="2017-07-18t05:07:47" val="3" />         <tblvalue utcdatetime="2017-07-18t05:08:27" val="0" />    </tblpoint>    <tblpoint pointname="bcd:xyz234/aaa.ddd-222.mmm.mv-3.pv" uom="0">         <tblvalue utcdatetime="2017-07-18t06:01:12" val="0" />         <tblvalue utcdatetime="2017-07-18t06:01:13" val="0" />    </tblpoint>  </trend> 

i'm using following code:

var xdoc = xdocument.load(xmlfilepath); // xmlfilepath - above xml file located. var ns = xnamespace.get("data"); var pointnames = xdoc.root.elements(ns + "tblpoint").attributes("pointname").tolist(); 

i wish there way populate pointnames this:

var pointnames = xdoc.root.elements(ns + "tblpoint").attributes("pointname").stringbetween(':', '/').tolist(); 

i hate use loop on pointnames because tblpoint nodes can thousands in number in xml.

using slight modification of michael.hor257k's stylesheet (i'm using '.' character delimiter since couldn't newlines work):

//a static field defined in class static readonly xsl = @"  <xsl:stylesheet version=""1.0""  xmlns:xsl=""http://www.w3.org/1999/xsl/transform"" xmlns:d=""data""> <xsl:output method=""text""/>  <xsl:template match=""/d:trend"">     <xsl:for-each select=""d:tblpoint"">         <xsl:value-of select=""substring-before(substring-after(@pointname, ':'), '/')"" />         <xsl:text disable-output-escaping=""yes"">.</xsl:text>     </xsl:for-each> </xsl:template>  </xsl:stylesheet>   </xsl:for-each> </xsl:template>  </xsl:stylesheet>".trim(); 

then, in method:

var xsldoc = xdocument.load(new memorystream(system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes(xsl))); var xslt = new system.xml.xsl.xslcompiledtransform(); var ms = new memorystream();  xslt.load(xsldoc.createreader());     xslt.transform(xdoc.createreader(), null, ms); //xdoc xml document loaded. ms.position = 0;  var sr = new streamreader(ms);  var xs = sr.readtoend().split(new[] { '.' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries);  foreach (var x in xs)    console.writeline(x); 

output is:

xyz123 xyz234 

if can newlines work, more efficient since won't need read in entire string representing transform.


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