oracle - Disable compression on partitioned index? -

i'm trying disable compression in database, , i've been able except partitioned indexes @ index level.

i've run these queries:

alter table <table_name> move nocompress;  alter index <index_name> rebuild nocompress;  alter index <index_name> rebuild partition <partition_name> nocompress;  alter index <index_name> modify partition <partition_name> nocompress;  alter index <index_name> rebuild subpartition <subpartition_name>; 

to ensure no compression being used partition level downward, query

 select * dba_indexes compression = 'enabled'; 

still returns results, , can't use alter index ... rebuild here, because of "ora-14086: partitioned index may not rebuilt whole." hoping use 'alter index ... modify default attributes nocompress', doesn't seem work.

is there way disable compression @ index level without manually rebuilding each index?

"is there way disable compression @ index level without manually rebuilding each index?"

had same issue trying change default compression interval partitioned indexes. short answer no, not 12c database.

got following (at time) working oracle.

"response developers of new partitioning types such partition reference, automatic partition creation depend on unparse , inheritance not working compress , in memory them because have not yet added these attributes unparse. "


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