javascript - Vue.js Axios get value from local storage (localforage) returns promise object instead of value -

i trying value localforage axios call, not working.

axios.get('' + this.$getitem('lsuname'), {   withcredentials: true,   headers: {'authorization': 'bearer ' + this.$getitem('lsmytoken')} }) 

i'm getting 403 error in console:

xhr failed loading: "[object%20promise]".

i have tried this.$getitem('lsuname').then(value => { return value }) , this.$getitem('lsuname').then(function (value) { return value }) same exact 403 , bad url promise @ end

i able correctly return value without issue elsewhere in vue so:

this.$getitem('lsuname').then(value => {   console.log('uname:' + value) }) 

looks this.$getitem asynchronous call return promise. means have wait call finish before calling code depends on returned values of async calls.

in case, use promise.all() wait of async calls return before making axios.get call:

let unamepromise = this.$getitem('lsuname'); let mytokenpromise = this.$getitem('lsmytoken');  promise.all([unamepromise, mytokenpromise]).then((vals) => {   axios.get('' + vals[0], {     withcredentials: true,     headers: {'authorization': 'bearer ' + vals[1] }   }) }) 


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