maven - Primefaces Tag <p:organigram> doesn't work -

the error: http status 500 - /organigram.xhtml @12,15 <p:organigram> tag library supports namespace:, no tag defined name: organigram

the scenario is: i'm using primefaces 6.1 version, component needs @ least v6.0.8 version.

i'm using ultima theme too.

follows primefaces dependency.

<dependencies>     <dependency>         <groupid>org.primefaces</groupid>         <artifactid>primefaces</artifactid>         <version>6.1</version>     </dependency> </dependencies> <repositories>     <!-- 3.5 , older -->     <repository>         <id>prime-repo</id>         <name>primefaces maven repository</name>         <url></url>         <layout>default</layout>     </repository> </repositories> 


<ui:composition xmlns=""     xmlns:h=""     xmlns:f=""     xmlns:ui=""     xmlns:p="" template="/web-inf/template.xhtml">      <ui:define name="content">          <p:organigram></p:organigram>      </ui:define>  </ui:composition> 

independent of putting in component, returns same error

build path

build path

maven dependency

maven dependecy


<h:head>     <title>template</title>     <ui:insert name="head" /> </h:head> <h:body>     <ui:include src="./topbar.xhtml" />     <ui:include src="./menu.xhtml" />      <div class="layout-main">         <ui:insert name="content" />     </div> </h:body> 

just tested same component , it's working fine primefaces 6.1 (maven).

however, stated in primefaces's showcase new component introduced on version 6.0.8.

my guess updated primefaces version newer 1 (6.1) did not build correctly project.

in case, close application servers, make maven clean , build , re-deploy application. should work fine.

if problem not gone, project must have configuration problem. i'd should start new project , see if still errors (probably not).


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