Excel VBA: Dynamic Data Validation Input Message with Index Match -

with data validation input message, each cell in named range ("myrange"), i'd match against table1[column1] , index in value table1[column2].

i need loop, since doesn't, active cell remains constant, , entire range has same input message. i'm not committed formula index match, needs perform function.

sub tester()     dim mycell string     mycell = activecell         range("myrange").validation         .delete         .add type:=xlvalidatelist, alertstyle:=xlvalidalertinformation, _         operator:=xlbetween, formula1:="=indirect(test1&test2)"         .ignoreblank = true         .incelldropdown = true         .inputtitle = ""         .errortitle = ""         .inputmessage = application.worksheetfunction.index(range("table1[column2]"), _         application.worksheetfunction.match(mycell, range("table1[column1]"), 0))         .errormessage = ""         .showinput = true         .showerror = false     end end sub 

thank help!

wrap around code have now. basically, want paste code line reads debug.print . . . minor modifications.

sub looprange()      dim rcell range     dim rrng range      set rrng = sheet1.range("a1:a6")      each rcell in rrng.cells         debug.print rcell.address, rcell.value     next rcell  end sub 

loop through each cell in range of cells when given range object


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