In Swift, how do I convert number strings in an array to Doubles -

i have large json array of nations , coordinates. sample element looks this:

["countryname":"el salvador","capitalname":"sansalvador","capitallatitude":"13.7","capitallongitude":"-89.200000","countrycode":"sv","continentname":"central america"],["countryname":"equatorial guinea","capitalname":"malabo","capitallatitude":"3.75","capitallongitude":"8.783333","countrycode":"gq","continentname":"africa"]

then have loop supposed create annotations data in array.

for location in locations {     let annotation = mglpointannotation()     annotation.title = location["countryname"] as? string     annotation.coordinate = cllocationcoordinate2d(latitude: location["capitallatitude"] as! double, longitude: location["capitallongitude"] as! double)     mapview.addannotation(annotation) } 

but won't work unless can strip quotation marks latitude , longitudes. tried doing this:

location["capitallatitude"] = double(location[capitallatitude]) location["capitallongitude"] = double(location[capitallongitude]) 

but gives me error on account of trying connect unrelated type values.

the error value nil after unwrapping optional. understand i'm not providing lat/long numbers correctly.

how can rid of quotation marks around lat/long numbers? there far many manually.

you trying access location type:

location["capitallatitude"] = double(location["capitallatitude"]) location["capitallongitude"] = double(location["capitallongitude"]) 

try that.


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