Apiman Gateway Prometheus Metrics -

i use apiman 1.3.0.final on wildfly 10 + keycloak , + want configure prometheus metrics. have found solution here, how can configure 'metrics' 'prometheus': http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/apiman-user/2015-september/000254.html looks not complete answer. cause, have created own apiman-gateway.war , apiman-gateway-api.war , have added library in these wars apiman-gateway-engine-prometheus-1.3.+.final.jar. also, have changed configuration in apiman.properties file following:


apiman-gateway.metrics=io.apiman.gateway.engine.prometheus.prometheusscrapemetrics apiman-gateway.metrics.port=8083 


so, result of start apiman, can see there no errors imetrics, cannot understand how can retrieve metrics?

http://localhost:8083/metrics or http://localhost:8083/prometheus or http://localhost:8083/?

also in article have found, following configuration vert.x config:


"metrics": {   "class": "io.apiman.gateway.engine.prometheus.prometheusscrapemetrics",   "config": {     "port": 8083   } } 


but not use vert.x gateway.

could have experience moment? in advance


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