java - Customize parameter in swagger.json -

i have separate parser of swagger.json , need hide parameters while parsing. should visible in both swagger ui , swagger.json can't use @apiignore need way ignore parameters in parsing swagger.json. ask if there's way add customize parameter's attribute (ex: hidden = true) in swagger.json through anotations (@apiparam) when parser read that, parameter ignored.

i tried @apiparam(hidden = true) it's not working.

currently i'm getting this,

{     "name": "username",     "in": "query",     "description": "this username",     "required": false,     "type": "string" } 

is possible have this? (added hidden=true)

{     "name": "username",     "in": "query",     "description": "this username",     "required": false,     "type": "string"     "hidden": "true"; } 

thank much!


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