C++ Create Object Array without default constructor -

i error when dynamically creating array of (transaction) object. error output says:"no matching function call 'transaction::transaction()' part of assignment , not allowed use default constructor. gather array automatically assigns values each of indexed address when it's created , no default constructor made transaction, cannot without values. please me see fix error.

class transaction { private:   int id;   float amount;   string fromaddress, toaddress, signature;   bool confirmed, removefrompool;   static int numtransactions;   public:   transaction(string in_fa, string in_ta,string in_sign,float in_amount);   transaction(transaction &obj);   int getid() const; } //---------------------  class block { private:   int id, txcount;   const int max_tx=5;   transaction** txlist;   string blockhash, prevblockhash, minername;   bool confirmed;  public:   block(int id,string prevh,string name);   } //------------------ // block.cpp block::block(int i, string prevh, string name) { *txlist = new transaction[max_tx]; } 

if insist on using plain dynamic array, could this:

*txlist = new transaction[max_tx]{{"1", "2", "3", 4},                                   // 3 more                                   {"5", "6", "7", 8}}; 

but instead declare constructor as:

transaction(string in_fa = "a", string in_ta = "b", string in_sign = "c", float in_amount = 42); 

and attempt dodge silly 'no default ctor' requirement.


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