vb6 - split string become custom code in crystall report -

i have string this

p-123c automatic p-h342 non automatic system p-hh231 automatic system pd 4357jp ref-b130mk3 air system bsc-wdb801 flow system

and want string this

p-123c p-h342 p-hh231 pd 4357jp ref-b139mk3 bsc-wdb801

please help...master

i have tried, unfortunately pd 4357jp make problem because separate space. because result seem compose upper chars , digit only, i've try remove lower chars, result seem good:

dim sout string dim sin string dim sresult string dim long dim c string sin = "p-123c automatic p-h342 non automatic system p-hh231 automatic system pd 4357jp ref-b130mk3 air system bsc-wdb801 flow system" = 1 len(sin)     c = mid$(sin, i, 1)     select case asc(c)         case 97 122 ' remove lower chars             ' nothing         case else             sout = sout & c             sout = replace$(sout, "  ", " ")     end select next sresult = sout debug.print sresult 'is: p-123c p-h342 p-hh231 pd 4357jp ref-b130mk3 bsc-wdb801  


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