ssl certificate - Indy POP3 with invalid cert -

i have pop3 client uses indy, connects need abort connection when certificate invalid. have ideas?

procedure tpop3client.connectpop3;  var  status : boolean;  i, msgtotal : integer; begin  if edssl begin   pop3.iohandler := ssl;   pop3.usetls := utuseexplicittls;  end;  status := false;  try   pop3.username := edusername;   pop3.password := edpassword;   pop3.connect(edtargethost,edtargetport);   if pop3.connected begin      msgtotal := pop3.checkmessages;      if  msgtotal >=1       := 1 msgtotal begin        if getmessage(i)         begin           getheaders;           delmessage(i)         end;   end  end;    pop3.disconnect  end; end; 

in tidssliohandlersocketopenssl component, enable sslvrfpeer flag in ssloptions.verifymode property, , optionally assign handler onverifypeer event if want validate particular details of server's certificate beyond openssl's default validations. if validation fails, ssl/tls handshake terminated error alert, connection closed, , exception raised code.


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