javascript - Is there any way to fire 'touchmove' and 'click' at the same time? -

var paper = raphael(10,10,600,500); var background = paper.rect(200,10,300,200); background.attr("fill", "#ffffcc");  var background1 = paper.rect(10,220,300,200); background1.attr("fill", "#ffffcc");  background1.touchstart(function () {     console.log('b1 start'); }); background1.touchmove(function () {  }); background1.touchend(function () {     console.log('b1 touch end') }); () {     console.log('b1 clicked'); });     background.touchstart(function () {     console.log('b touch start'); }); background.touchmove(function () {  }); background.touchend(function () {     console.log('b touch end'); }); () {     console.log('b click'); }); 

i'm working on designing drawing tool touch screen.i'm using multi touch events 2 people can draw @ same time.but when 1 using 'touchmove' event other 1 can't use 'click' event.'click' isn't fired during 'touchmove' fired.


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