orchestration - How to put your Cloud on Auto-Pilot mode? -

here 3 ways in can place cloud on auto-pilot: -

self-service portal build environments self-service portal dispense applications great way allow developers pick resources need, gain approval , started. cuts through bureaucratic processes otherwise cause project delays. managing cloud resources through such portals gives incisive insights on number of vms in use , being used for. helps reduce avoidable costs underutilized resources terminated.

event-driven automation alerts , triggered healing event-driven automation works on principles of observe, orient, decide, act. cloud can automated send alerts in occurrence of events, such low disk drive in vm. system has observed , oriented problem. solution carried out decide , act parts workflow rules preset such events triggered , actions carried out tackle event , heal system.

self-healing predictive modeling self-healing solving short-term issues arise in cloud. long-term perspective, necessary automate cloud observe user cloud behavior , form algorithms.

visit read more: https://www.cloudenablers.com/blog/how-to-put-your-cloud-on-auto-pilot-mode/


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