entity framework core 2 doesn't see sqlite extensions -

so entity framework 1.1 had entities this

 modelbuilder.entity<resolution>()       .property(r => r.created)       .valuegeneratedonaddorupdate()       .forsqlitehascolumntype("timestamp")                   .forsqlitehasdefaultvaluesql("current_timestamp");   modelbuilder.entity<resolution>()       .property(r => r.updated)       .forsqlitehascolumntype("timestamp")       .isrequired(); 

which worked fine. after upgrading .net core 2.0 , entity framework 2.0 the


doesn't seem available anymore. in fact "forsqlite*" functions aren't there.

i upgraded "microsoft.entityframeworkcore.sqlite" 2.0. have

using microsoft.entityframeworkcore; 

did change something? can't seem find in docs other sql providers not backwards compatible .net core 1.1.


i didn't find anywhere said changes. can use below code instead in ef core 2.0.



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