contextmenu - How to add those tiny underlines for keyboard shortcuts when making right click menus from registry? -

this picture of mean, there no underline in entry created, can't access keyboard shortcut directly:

here's picture of how made it:

this key did job

windows registry editor version 5.00  [hkey_classes_root\systemfileassociations\.ico\shell\setthisicon] @="set icon current &folder"  [hkey_classes_root\systemfileassociations\.ico\shell\setthisicon\command] @="cmd /c del folder.ico /f /a s & copy /y \"%1\" folder.ico & \"seti[enter image description here][1]con.bat\"" 

just ignore "command" key

ampersand before letter want shortcut: @="set icon current &folder" i.e. &f

the solution the result


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