office365 - Can not insert text in bookmark in word document using office.js for office add-in development -

i developing add-in word.the main task populate bookmarks in document data office.js have found bookmark can accessed range object , using "rangeobject.inserttext(text, insertlocation)" method inserting data bookmark.but problem 2nd parameter insertlocation value can 'replace', 'start', 'end', 'before' or 'after'.which appends data before or after - image 1 (current result using insertlocation value 'end')

using insertlocation value 'replace' replaces whole bookmark , deletes bookmark document!.so want insert text in bookmark this- image 2 (desired result)

note: have read these bookmark value no bookmark can deleted.and using 1.4 beta version of office.js api purpose.

here code- (context) {              var doc = context.document;              //get bookmark range name             var bookmarkrange = doc.getbookmarkrangeornullobject("cscasenumber01");              //insert data             bookmarkrange.inserttext("test data",'end');               // synchronize document state executing queued commands,              return context.sync();          }).catch(errorhandler); 

thanks using our preview apis. found bug on it! repro behavior. , yes semantics before, start, end, after clear on api.

  1. "start" , "end" insert locations imply insertions within boundaries of calling range, on case means if use of bookmark needs expanded whatever inserted.
  2. on other hand "before"/"after" imply inserting outside boundaries of range.
  3. finally, replace should replace bookmark whatever text supplied parameter.

we'll fixed, although don't have clear timeline on this. thank you.


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