shell - Why have nvm related commands —nvm, node, npm— stopped working? -

os: macos sierra 10.12.6 (16g29) terminal app: hyper nvm: 0.33.2 

i installed nvm, according instruction, sometime ago without issue. recently, , commands it's responsible —node , npm— stopped working.

nvm/npm/node command not found

i realized occurred because switched system default shell bash zsh —chsh -s /bin/zsh— without addressing contents of ~/.bash_profile sourced bash not zsh.

the nvm install script
curl -o- | bash
places following in appropriate config file —one of: ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc.

export nvm_dir="$home/.nvm" [ -s "$nvm_dir/" ] && \. "$nvm_dir/"  # loads nvm [ -s "$nvm_dir/bash_completion" ] && \. "$nvm_dir/bash_completion"  # loads nvm bash_completion 

at time of install used bash , bit placed in ~/.bash_profile. coping content on ~/.zshrc got commands working again.


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