r - Shiny renderPlot does not work -


the graph plot not render. there no errors.


even though not use reactive value below, should work because within observed event. rendering table works fine.

additional info

the allelements data populated! printed them out check. vectors of type double.

library(shiny) library(shinywidgets) library(shinythemes) library(datasets)  shinyapp(   ui = navbarpage(     "real time instruments",     #############################    page 1     #############################     tabpanel("training",               mainpanel(                 actionbutton("analyse", "train model", width = "100%")               )              #############################    page 2     #############################     ),     tabpanel("results",                 tableoutput ( "error"),                plotoutput("predict_plot", inline = true)      )   ),   server = function(input, output, session) {      ### analyse data     analyse <- observeevent(input$analyse , {        # run analysis       allelements <- data.frame( x = 1:10 )        # populate results       populateresults (allelements)     })      #### results page ####     populateresults <- function (allelements) {        # first error table       output$error <- rendertable(allelements$error_sd, digits = 5) ## <--- works!!!        # second plots       # par(mar = rep(2, 4)) # might needed        x <- allelements$x       xlab <- allelements$x       y <- allelements$x       ylab <- allelements$x        # plot predict var       output$predict_plot <- renderplot({plot (x, y)}) # <--- doesn't work!!!      }   })   } ) 

i had change several things in code.

  • i transformed data eventreactive
  • i didn't use function populateresults , replaced independent render functions
  • i added column error_sd example dataset can found later in render functions
  • i don't know if missed here, have @ code.

this example works me:

library(shiny) library(shinywidgets) library(shinythemes) library(datasets)  shinyapp(   ui = navbarpage(     "real time instruments",     tabpanel("training",           mainpanel(             actionbutton("analyse", "train model", width = "100%")           ) ), tabpanel("results",           tableoutput ( "error"),          plotoutput("predict_plot")  )  ),  server = function(input, output, session) {  analyse <- eventreactive(input$analyse , {   output <- data.frame( x = 1:10 , error_sd = 1:10)   return(output) })  output$error <- rendertable({   analyse()$error_sd} , digits = 5 )  output$predict_plot <- renderplot({   # x <- allelements$x   # xlab <- allelements$x   # y <- allelements$x   # ylab <- allelements$x    plot(analyse()$x, analyse()$x) }) }) 


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