wamp - my php code is displayed as it is in the browser not executed -

this question has answer here:

my php code not executed , displayed in browser. used .php extension save file.

i using wamp server.

please note other php files working shows php installed , configured properly.

the code using:

<?php $name=$_post['name']; $un=$_post['un']; $pw=$_post['pw']; $ei=$_post['ei'];  $con=mysqli_connect('localhost','root'); mysqli_select_db($con,'login'); $q=" insert user (name, username, password) value('$name','$un,'$pw')";   mysqli_query($con,$q); mysqli_close($con); ?> 

seems there configuration issues. follow these steps

1- check if php installed , running.

2- check if using short tags <? or not deprecated , <?php used double check file extension.

3- make sure saving .php , not renaming .php

4- check apache httpd.conf file php module

5- check apache httpd.conf file php mime type in it


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