Check if bean is managed by spring or JSF -

does possible check programatically if bean managed spring or jsf?

i have class:

public class contexthelper  {  // method print managed beans spring container public static void printmanagedbeans(applicationcontext ctx) {      string[] beannames = ctx.getbeandefinitionnames();      (string beanname : beannames) {         colorconsolehelper.getgreenlog("bean managed spring " +     beanname);     }   } } 

after used class have result:

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.annotation.internalconfigurationannotationprocessor

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.annotation.internalautowiredannotationprocessor

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.annotation.internalrequiredannotationprocessor

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.annotation.internalcommonannotationprocessor

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.annotation.internalpersistenceannotationprocessor

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.event.internaleventlistenerprocessor

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.event.internaleventlistenerfactory

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.annotation.configurationclasspostprocessor.importawareprocessor

info: [ok] bean managed spring org.springframework.context.annotation.configurationclasspostprocessor.enhancedconfigurationprocessor

why on list not visible beans marked using example @service annotation? see managed beans spring container included custom pojo class.


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