c# - Strange debug output in app since upgrade to Visual Studio 2017 15.3.0 -

my xamarin android app prints following debug output since upgraded visual studio 2017 15.3.0:

08-15 09:13:23.275 d/mono    ( 3119): [0x9a5be930] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no 08-15 09:13:23.275 d/mono    ( 3119): [0x9a5be930] worker parking 08-15 09:13:23.275 d/mono    ( 3119): [0x9a6bf930] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no 08-15 09:13:23.275 d/mono    ( 3119): [0x9a6bf930] worker parking 08-15 09:13:24.275 d/mono    ( 3119): [0x9a87d930] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no 08-15 09:13:24.276 d/mono    ( 3119): [0x9a87d930] worker parking 

the output regular, few times second.

what mean , cause it?

edit: there bug report regarding this

i reported issue microsoft. replicated issue , have opened bug report. gave me following work-around, worked me: (copied email)

.... seems mono default verbosity has either been changed or [mono] messages have been moved info loge verbosity level. here did in order mitigate issue:

for android, added new .txt file project , set it’s build action androidenvironment. put in following environmental variable:


after re-built solution, no longer see [mono] messages being logged application output window.

although wasn’t not able replicate on ios, above workaround should work same in ios, please let me know if doesn’t. can right-clicking on ios project -> options -> ios build. add following in mtouch input field:


these additional mono environmental variables set log verbosity error, should have [mono] logs displayed in output anymore.

you can change log level message if added logging error should enough debugging purposes.

if more information on logging verbosity level, following documentation can provide more insight this: http://www.mono-project.com/docs/advanced/runtime/logging-runtime-events/#trace-levels


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